Lock Snaps

The Hanzo carabiner (fastener) is a link between the lure and the line, which is responsible not only for the quick replacement of fishing accessories, but also takes on some of the load. The carabiner makes the process of fishing much easier, some rigs cannot do without this element, for example, in feeder fishing, a carabiner is needed to fasten the feeder.

Fishing carabiner - how to use it correctly

The carabiner is used to quickly change the elements of the rig, and also takes the load of the entire fishing structure. Typically, a carabiner is used between a bait (eg a twister) and a load. If feeder fishing is performed, then the carabiner is used to attach the feeder.

The assortment includes various carabiners, the size of which is determined by its number. The sizes of the carabiners range from # 2/0 to # 10. For example, carbine number 2 is capable of withstanding a load within 60 kg, but for carbine number 10 - no more than 5 kg.

Let's share one of the most popular methods among fishermen for attaching a carbine to a fishing line. To do this, you need to thread the fishing line through the eye of the carabiner, then move the free end and tie it around the part that is already attached to the carabiner. After the free end runs out, it is best to dampen the line a little and tighten it carefully. The rest must be carefully trimmed, that's all, a reliable knot is ready!

Fishing hooks since 1997


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